Monday 19 December 2011


PDP (Professional Development Plan)

Professional Development Planning (PDP) is a process that enhances and supports your experience as a student. By engaging in PDP you will be reviewing, building and reflecting on your personal and educational development. The process encourages you to take a step back and reflect on what you have achieved in a structured way. It also involves clearly identifying your goals and planning the steps you need to take to accomplish them. 

Being a student is much more than simply studying for your degree or postgraduate qualification. University provides opportunities to mix with a wide range of people, get involved in positions of responsibility, develop work-experience, volunteer work, and broaden your outlook. By planning, developing and reviewing your personal and academic goals, the PDP process will:

# Enable you to be clear about what you have learnt and what you can do and enable you to communicate this effectively to others
# Help you identify areas for development (anything from academic referencing to giving a presentation)
# Provide resources and support to help you develop specific skills
# Increase your effectiveness and confidence as a student and graduate
# Improve your general skills for study and career management
# Bring together your academic and non academic experience and achievements (jobs, sport, leisure, volunteering, representative roles etc)
# Give you a head start with CVs and application
# Enable you to get more from your university course

PDP tracks both prior and current achievements and assists in the development of transferable skills. This means you make full use of your study and maximize the benefit derived from education and other experience as a student. 

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